When we first bought our beautiful second home in La Creuse 4 years ago, the plan was to holiday there as often as possible for a few years with a view to eventually retiring there.
A lot can happen in 4 years. Work has got harder and harder, our work life balance has got wore and worse, and we have fallen in love with the French way of life more and more with every visit.
This blog will catalogue our journey from today to when we ultimately move across to France - and beyond. It will share learnings to date, but most importantly will hopefully become a sounding board for us and others to share their views and experiences.
Yes we have doubts and fears but they pale when compared to our current situation.
Sprinkled throughout will some observations on life generally from both sides of the water.
The reason I have started to write this blog now is that things are starting to gain momentum. We are getting solid plans in place and are starting to act!
We hope that this blog will be of use to o considering a similar move. Also I feel the need to diarise in some way this key chapter in our lives.
When we look back at key moments in our lives (buying our French home, getting married) we struggle to remember how we got it together: what went well? What were our thought processes? How did we stay on course? What could we have done differently that would make our current challenge easier?
By recording our thoughts, activities, successes and inevitable failures via this blog, we will have something to look back on, refer to in the future should we wish to carry out a similar exercise again.
Anyway, that's the rationale behind the blog, all that remains is to get sharing!
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